Budget Program

Our budget plan billing is offered on the November 1st billing to the customers who have expressed an interest to pay in this manner.  Your monthly budget payment is our prediction of what your average monthly utility cost will be for the next 12 months.  To predict the amount of utility cost you will have, we review your actual cost for the last  12 months and adjust it to normal weather conditions.  We will review your account on a quarterly basis.  If needed, an adjustment to your budget figure will be made at that time.  At the end of 12 months if you should have an unpaid balance you will be expected to pay up this amount.  If you have a credit, your monthly budget figure for the following year will be adjusted to reflect that credit amount.

Failure to pay the budgeted amount by the 15th of each month will result in you being removed from the list of budget customers, and all past due amounts plus penalty are immediately due and payable.  If you wish to participate in this program please contact us by phone at (402)372-2466 or email us at patty [at] westpointne.gov